
v2.5.2 (2017-10-06)

  • Happy birthday to me.
  • Correct incorrect information in the NoAffinityError docstring, which stated that the minimum shared rated anime threshold for calculating affinity was ten, when it’s actually eleven.

v2.5.1 (2017-09-14)

  • Add the conventions section to extras_require, so conventions dependencies can easily be installed if needed.
  • Add the travis section to extras_require, so Travis can easily install any additional dependencies it needs.
  • Rename the doc and test sections in extras_require to docs and tests respectively.

v2.5.0 (2017-08-26)

  • Create the Affinity namedtuple, and return that instead of a normal tuple when calculating affinity.
  • Rename the “their_list” var in MALAffinity.calculate_affinity to “user_list”. It’s an improvement, but still a bad var name.

v2.4.0 (2017-08-17)

  • Tidy up the MALAffinity __repr__, and dynamically specify the class name, in case the class needs to be renamed (which it probably won’t).
  • Use double backticks instead of a single backtick in the calculate_affinity function’s docstring.
  • Add a one-off comparison function (+ docs).
  • Move the “shared rated anime threshold” check to the calculate_affinity method, as a comparison can be done no matter how many shared rated anime two users share.
  • Add the error/warning codes to ignore next to the # noqa comments.
  • Rewrite the contributing page in the docs, and create CONTRIBUTING.rst to link to it.

v2.3.1 (2017-08-12)

  • Use Xinil and Luna’s usernames to demonstrate how MALAffinity can be used, in the docstring examples.
  • Use different anime in the comparison method’s key:value example (in the docstring), so a wider range of ratings can be shown.

v2.3.0 (2017-07-25)

  • Rewrite calcs.pearson to make it 5x faster.
  • Do the “standard deviation is zero” checking in calcs.pearson, so the standard deviation doesn’t actually have to be calculated.
  • Don’t make MALRateLimitExceededError a descendant of MALAffinityException.

v2.2.3 (2017-07-20)

  • Move test dependencies to extras_require in, and have tests_require mirror that.
  • Add documentation dependencies to extras_require in
  • Make all docstrings PEP 257 compliant.
  • Add more classifiers to

v2.2.2 (2017-07-17)

  • Have Travis deploy the package to PyPI when a release is drafted.

This release exists solely to test that the above is working. No code changes have been made.

v2.2.1 (2017-07-17)

  • Fix tests up to use the mock module, and be less hacky.
  • Hook tests up to, so python test can be called, for the test suite to run.
  • Add version constraints in for dependencies.

v2.2.0 (2017-07-12)

  • Create the comparison method, and have calculate_affinity use that to retrieve both sets of scores.
  • Rewrite the docstrings in the MALAffinity class, to be more useful and more compliant with le Sphinx syntax.
  • Add docs to the project, and have them hosted on
  • Add (badly written) tests, and hook them up to Travis and Coveralls.
  • Get rid of Markdown altogether, and rewrite the README, as most of the info is now in the docs.

v2.1.0 (2017-07-08)

  • Fix a typo in the calcs.pearson docstring, which incorrectly said the :rtype was a bool.
  • Use the find_all BS4 method instead of findAll.
  • Fix a typo in the “Shared rated anime count is less than required” exception message, which incorrectly stated that the minimum required was ten, when it’s actually eleven.
  • Add a docstring for .__about__.
  • Add a docstring for MALAffinity._retrieve_scores.
  • Remove the useless kwargs from MALAffinity._retrieve_scores.
  • Make the statistics pypi package a requirement for all Python versions.
  • Add a __repr__ to the MALAffinity class.
  • Move the _retrieve_scores method in the MALAffinity class to its own file (
  • Create a file for constants.
  • Add a # NOQA comment to the .__about__ imports in __init__, to suppress the F401 flake8 warnings.

v2.0.0 (2017-06-20)

  • Move the MALAffinity class to its own separate file (malaffinity.malaffinity) and import that into the malaffinity namespace via __init__.
  • Move exceptions to its own separate file (malaffinity.exceptions).
  • Modify description of the package slightly (“Calculate affinity between two MyAnimeList users” => “Calculate affinity between MyAnimeList users”).
  • Add exception message for when the standard deviation of one of the two users’ scores is zero, and affinity can’t be calculated.
  • Create the base MALAffinityException class and derive all malaffinity exceptions from that.
  • Add docstrings for malaffinity.calcs.
  • Modify docstrings to remove typos and unnecessary information, and reword some sections.
  • Reword exception messages to be more useful.
  • Have the init method return self, to allow for chaining.
  • Make all code PEP8-compliant (ignoring F401 for meta reasons).

v1.1.0 (2017-06-15)

  • Remove scipy (and numpy) as a dependency. Pearson’s correlation code is now in malaffinity.calcs and stdev checking is handled by the statistics module.
  • Use lxml for XML parsing, instead of the default html.parser.
  • Add return types for components inside the return tuple into the docstring.

v1.0.3 (2017-05-05)

  • Change ‘base user has been set’ testing to also check if self._base_scores has been set as well.
  • Use zip to create the scores1 and scores2 arrays that calculations are done with.
  • Check if the standard deviation of scores1 or scores2 is zero, and thrown an error if so.
  • Use scipy.asscalar as opposed to .item() for numpy.float64 => float conversion.

v1.0.2 (2017-04-17)

  • Better handling for numpy.float64 => float conversion.
  • Update docstrings to include types.

v1.0.1 (2017-04-12)

  • Don’t count rated anime on a user’s PTW. MAL didn’t count this, so our affinity values were a bit off when a user did this.

v1.0.0 (2017-04-09)

  • Konnichiwa, sekai!